Expanding the universe…

I’m currently writing a short film script that will expand upon the universe we get a glimpse of in Dark of Winter.  It will tie in to the feature in certain respects and, hopefully, refer back to and answer some lingering questions.  Possibly.

Part of the beauty of Dark of Winter is the fact that a good deal of the details are totally open to interpretation.  It’s a dream like film in that you bring your own baggage to the table, so to speak, and imprint part of yourself on what the picture is about.  Make sense?  Okay!

So in writing this short film, I’m trying to provide some new clues as to whatI think is going on, but not necessarily what actuallyis going on.  So it gets a little bit confusing.

But that’s okay, you know, because it wouldn’t be interesting any other way.  Am I right?


About hwicfilm

HWIC Filmworks was founded by cousins John Delserone and David C. Snyder for the express purpose of producing independent genre films while still maintaining a high standard of quality. It is this commitment to quality that will help to define the company as a singular voice within the motion picture industry. View all posts by hwicfilm

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