A new twist on an old favorite…

So, I had every intention of shooting a short film that would tie in with the feature film Dark of Winter, almost like a companion piece.

But then, inspiration struck, that dirty bitch, and, as always, I started to think about actually re-working the opening of the film so as to include the short as a part of it.

Thus, the “prologue” was born.

So we shot it and I started re-thinking the structure of the feature.  Would this work?  I knew that I would have to establish something in the new opening that would carry through to the original film so that the new prologue would fit and not be a distraction.  So I found breaks that were already in  the picture and added “Chapters” to them.  Executive producer Andrew C. Schwabe suggested we go one further and add quotes from well known people under the chapter headings.  Excellent idea!

So now we have a prologue, two chapters, and an epilogue.

But does it work?

I like to think so.  The tone of the film is still the same.  The big difference is now that some of the motivations have changed.  It’s an interesting exploration into the bizarro world that we’ve created, and I think it also opens things up for further exploration.  And that excites me as an artist.

About hwicfilm

HWIC Filmworks was founded by cousins John Delserone and David C. Snyder for the express purpose of producing independent genre films while still maintaining a high standard of quality. It is this commitment to quality that will help to define the company as a singular voice within the motion picture industry. View all posts by hwicfilm

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