Tag Archives: bluray

Heaven’s Gate restored by Criterion…

Open the gate...

Good news, Everyone!  Well, for some of us, that is…

Finally, The Criterion Collection, one of the greatest boutique labels ever, are releasing a newly restored version of Michael Cimino’s much maligned film Heaven’s GateI had heard that there were rumors of such a thing for a while now, but the announcement was made official today (or yesterday, rather).  We will be seeing a Bluray and DVD in November of this year.

Now, is Heaven’s Gate a misunderstood masterpiece?  I wouldn’t go so far as to call it that, but I will say that I really dig the film quite a bit.  And I realized this again recently as I watched it on Netflix streaming.  The cinematography is gorgeous and the production design is impeccable.  Add to that a fantastic cast and a really bizarre screenplay and you have one of the most fascinating westerns ever made.  Sure, it sank United Artists studios when it famously flopped in 1980, but there was a shit ton of negative press surrounding the film and I think a lot of the critics were bandwagon jumping without giving the film a fair shot.

But it is a reallybizarre epic.  All the better, I say…