Tag Archives: hiphop

Public Enemy and DMC- RLTK

I directed this…hope you dig it…


The Glory of Recognition

If you weren’t already aware of it, I recently completed work on a new music video for my longtime friends and co-conspirators Public Enemy.  It is for the lead single (“I Shall Not be Moved”) from their new album (Most of My Heroes Still Don’t Appear on No Stamp).  I also produced one of the songs on the album, but we shall leave that for another post…

The song is energetic, weird, and dope, all at once.  Chuck allowed me free reign to bring some weirdness to the table.

So, I did.

Anyway, the video has been unanimously received and is beginning to take on a life of its own.  That’s great.  That’s one of the whole reasons for doing this.  Acceptance and exposure are important; you create something, you want people to experience it and enjoy it.  You want a desired reaction.  But in these days and times, where technology has leveled the playing field, the amount of content has become so dense that doing great work isn’t enough anymore.

Sometimes, though, things just catch and take off.  Why does this happen?  Damned if I know.  I wish I could tell you, because then I’d do it all the time.

But I cannot disclose as to why this happens.  I’m just gonna run with it and try to do more work that will be seen and enjoyed.  I put my heart and my all into it because I love it and I care about it and I give a shit.  Hopefully that shows in what I (we) do, because it’s truth.  We still care enough to give it everything that we’ve got.

So I have to feel alright on a day where my video was mentioned by legendary funk master George Clinton and Hiphop mogul Russell Simmons.  That and my good friend Chuck D said I was “the best,” in his honest opinion.


Here’s a little something I directed…

One of the things I am working on right now…

One of the things I am working on right now...

Two Chuck D’s are better than one…? A frame from the new Public Enemy music video “I Shall Not Be Moved”.