Tag Archives: kyle jason



Wait, what?

Good Reviews are Better than Bad Ones

Good Reviews are Better than Bad Ones

ROGUE CINEMA likesDark of Winter.  And that’s alright with me…

Compromising Positions

Compromising Positions

John French (Kyle Jason) and Sarah (Erica Paisley) in DARK OF WINTER.

Kyle Jason as John French

Kyle Jason as John French

On set during the DARK OF WINTER shoot. Photo by Karen Yun-Lutz

Out of the loop…

…for a minute but about to get back in it.


Stay tuned!


Taking Dark of Winter on the road...

Matt Porter, Kyle Jason, and David C. Snyder outside of the screening room at the end of Icon 31

This past weekend, actors Kyle Jason and Matt Porter, Executive Producer Kim Garnett, and I took Dark of Winter to ICON 31, a science fiction convention held at Stony Brook University in New York.  We were the last minute addition (many thanks to Ken Deep!) to their screening schedule and it was exciting to get to show the film to an audience that really had no idea as to what to expect.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that we were the last minute addition, the film wasn’t as prominently featured in the press materials as some of the other events.  However, a little leg work and some informative promotional materials got us a few extra viewers added to those people who had already tracked us down on the schedule and wanted to check out our very particular psychological horror film.

Saturday night’s premiere had anywhere from 20-30 people show up.  We screened the film from a DVD I had prepared for the event and, due to the set up, it looked like garbage.  I told the audience during the Q&A afterwards that the film did indeed look better than what they saw and they completely understood.

Some people walked out, which was to be expected, and I had hoped more people would’ve stayed for the Q&A.  But the people that did stay gave us great feedback, asked questions, and really seemed receptive to the film.  There was even a Michael Bay joke for good measure.  This reaffirmed to me that we do indeed have an audience for the film, which is an issue that crosses every filmmaker’s mind at one point or another during the making of a picture.

On Sunday we screened the film from a hi-def file on my laptop and, although a little bit dark, it was a much more accurate presentation.  The down side was that we only had a couple of people come through for the screening (including one guy from the night before!) and Q&A.  I’m not really broken up about it, though, because it was the last day of the Con and people were just trying to get in as much as they could as everything shut down and thinned out.  The upside was that one of the audience members said that the film had shades of Donnie Darko, Richard Kelly’s celebrated cult film from 2001, a reference that I hadn’t thought of before.  I love Donnie Darko, so I’ll take that any day.

Was it a success?  Was it worth it?  Hell yes.  As nerve wracking as it is to screen your film for an audience, that’s the whole point, and it gives you pointers and feedback as to what works and what doesn’t.  It’s a valuable part of the editing process as long as you use it for what it’s worth.  I know that a lot of directors loathe the test screening process because of the way the studios handle it.  But if you screen your film for your intended audience, then it can be an extremely useful tool.

But it is still nerve wracking…

Dirty Work

Dirty Work


Photo by Maura Snyder

The Trailer is getting closer…

Trailer is cut…just waiting on some tech stuff and then we will present it to the world.

In the meantime, another frame grab…?



Inside the House

Inside the House

Kyle Jason as John French in DARK OF WINTER

You blew it…


So, we made our new film as part of an unofficial challenge (that has seemingly gone by the wayside) wherein a filmmaker has two weeks from the first day of shooting to get a feature film (60 minutes +) to a fine cut (they left additional time in for color correcting).

I wanted to make a follow up to my debut film The Quiet Arrangement (still available on DVD!) and this seemed like the perfect way to do so.  It’s a challenge, you know, so why not challenge myself as a filmmaker.

One of the original participants and creators of the 2wkFilm Challenge is Lucas McNelly, who has spent the last year traveling around the country helping other indie filmmakers on their projects and blogging about it, so I contacted him and asked if he wanted to make this film his final stop, since he was coming back to Pittsburgh anyway.  He said it was cool and we set a start date: Thursday, February 23, 2012.

So, on Thursday, we would start shooting, and from that point I would have two weeks to finish the film; shoot it, cut it, done.

I just hit ENTER to render the final film out at 12:30 am, March 9, 2012.  Thirty minutes past the deadline.

You can't have an "assembly" without an "ass".

Vegas goes to work like Vegas should.

Shit.  Really?


Does it matter?  Only to me, I guess.  I still have a sophomore feature film (71 minutes!) and I got to work with some amazing actors that I’ve never worked with before.  Of course, it also helped that the two real stars of the film, Kyle Jason (our lead) and Maura Snyder (our Producer and my lovely wife) gave it their all and made the entire experience as easy as a two week feature film project could be.

Lucas never showed (I still don’t know what happened there and I just found out that his A YEAR WITHOUT RENT project ended on February 18th, so what the hell?!) so I have to blog about this myself.  I’ve been trying to get posts up, but when you’re under the gun, the last thing you want to do is post some shit about being under the gun.

Oh, well…it was well worth it.

Now all we need is for an audience to take the crazy journey that is Dark of Winter.

Come along, if you will…