Tag Archives: kyle jason

Postin’ High…

…like Master Ace.

But not really.

Kyle Jason in Dark of Winter

The first poster image for the film DARK OF WINTER


…Feb 28th wasn’t the last day of principle photography.  It was scheduled to be, but, things change, so…

We wrapped on Wednesday, the 29th.  Kyle Jason flew home the next day.  Nothing like getting down to the wire, right?

The editing has commenced.  Rough assembly is almost finished.  Not bad for a feature.  That’s the beauty of doing longer takes.  Easier to edit…

Final day of principle photography…

As long as the days have been, it seems like it’s flown by.

DARK OF WINTER is taking shape.

Great day yesterday.  Great day today.

So have one!

The director on set...

David C. Snyder working on a shot for DARK OF WINTER

Slackin’ on posting…

…but not on the shoot.

Busy day today.  13 scenes.  Yeah, man…13.

I’m not even sure how many setups.

A lot…

More tomorrow.  Almost done shooting…

Kyle Jason on the set of DARK OF WINTER

Have gun, will travel...

Day 2

The first scene of the day required effects make-up.  Joe Davis, our practical makeup FX guy, showed off his skills in bringing some suitable nastiness to the end of a 2 and 1/2 minute tracking shot.

Back to the wilderness: the temp started to drop and it was extremely cold, but our cast didn’t complain.  Kyle Jason and Kevin M. Hayes sucked it up and did their thing.

Finished the day shooting with Erica Peaslee and Kyle, both of whom nailed it.  More to come…

First day of principle photography…

Kyle Jason

First day of principle photography...

New Film- Read Thru…

It’s about to get official…

Reading the Script

Kevin, Erica, and Kyle