Tag Archives: movie

Anti- or Pro-metheus?

My wife and I managed to get out and finally see Prometheus today.  If you are unaware, the film is director Ridley Scott’s first foray into the science fiction genre since Blade Runner in 1982.  It is also a prequel of sorts to the first sci-fi film Mr. Scott directed, Alien.

I’m not going to spoil anything in here, but needless to say there were a lot of questions raised by the end of the picture.  Now, the immediate reaction is to blame it all on sloppy screenwriting, which may be the case.  However, with news of a longer cut coming out on DVD in the near future and interviews with Scott himself saying that the film is based on other historical ideas and concepts about humanity’s inception, it makes me wonder whether or not the film is actually a lot smarter than it initially appears to be.

I can understand this line of thinking as I tried to do something similar with Dark of Winter, in that we leave a lot open to interpretation.  We don’t spell everything out and treat the audience like morons.  We give them room to think, theorize, and draw conclusions.  All the information is there; it’s up to the individual to use it.

Needless to say, after thinking about this for most of the evening, I’m actually anxious to see Prometheus again.  Perhaps, by delving deeper into the rabbit hole, so to speak, more shall be revealed to me.  I’d like to think that is the case and I would gladly take that over shitty screenwriting.

The Trailer is up!


Head on over to the site and check out the trailer for our latest, a psychological horror thriller that will bend minds in half and back again!

Sign up for exclusive updates and get a free download of songs from the soundtrack.  Sweet deal, free stuff.

Oh, and let us know what you think of the trailer!


Postin’ High…

…like Master Ace.

But not really.

Kyle Jason in Dark of Winter

The first poster image for the film DARK OF WINTER